Moissanite Diamonds

Moissanite Diamonds

      The Embrace Pendant
      Mother's Day
      25% off All Moisssanite Diamond Jewellery
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      From beauty to durability, Moissanite easily measures up to diamonds, if not exceeding their standards, giving you a high value for a fraction of the cost.

      What is Moissonite?

      Approximately 500 million years ago a meteor fell with a fiery crash to Earth, bringing with it trace amounts of a rare mineral. Discovered ages later in an Arizona crater by French chemist Henri Moissan, at first the tiny crystals were thought to be diamonds as they had the same hardness and sparkle. It took 11 years for Moissan to realize his error and correctly identify the new material as a type of silicon carbide.

      The mistake is forgivable though. The two gems are almost identical in clarity and fire, and Moissanite is prized as a diamond substitution in scientific industries.

      However, its rarity made Moissanite impossible to use commercially until just a few years ago, when the process to create perfect, clear Moissanite in a lab was perfected.

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